We deliver for our clients comprehensive, value-added and site-specific solutions that address all aspects of the remediation process -from site investigation and feasibility studies to risk assessment, remedy selection, remedial design and construction management to site rehabilitation.
We provide mainly the following services:
Site investigation
Soil, Groundwater and Soil Vapour Sampling
Water Quality Testing and Hydrogeological Modelling
Geoprobe® Drilling and Sampling Works (PDF)
MIP (Membrane Interface Probe) Investigation
Geotechnical (pre-construction) Investigation
Asbestos Inspection Services
Field and Laboratory Accredited Analyses
Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
Completion of Feasibility Studies
Liaison with Regulatory Bodies and Local Authorities
Contaminated site remediation
- Comprehensive Contaminated Site Management
- Remedial Design and Construction
- Laboratory and Pilot Testing of Remediation Technologies
- Conventional Soil Removal and Disposal
- In-situ and Ex-situ Remediation Technologies Operation
- Green and Sustainable Bioremediation Approaches (PDF)
- Innovative Remedial Solutions
- Landfill Closure and Rehabilitation
- Brownfield Redevelopment
- Remediation Supervision
- Remedial and Post-remedial Monitoring
- Regulatory Negotiations, Community Relations, and Stakeholder Engagement
Remediation activities in BiH – Centre for bioremediation
In March 2018 DEKONTA BH in cooperation with KEMIS BH, opened their Centre for bioremediation of soil and construction waste contaminated with oil and petroleum products, in Lukavac. The plant is equipped with a surface, built according to EU standards, for temporary waste storage and treatment, as well as a small microbiological laboratory. The area of the surface is 2000 m2. Waste treatment is conducted via bioremediation technologies, which is sustainable and has no impact on the environment.
Remediation activities in BiH include:
- Producing action plans for emergency situations
- Producing site remediation plans (including: probing, sampling and modeling)
- In-site site remediation (soil and water)
- Off site remediation at the Biocentre, ex-situ (soil and construction waste)
- Primary response for emergency situations (while the emergency is ongoing)
- Secondary response for emergency situations (after primary response)