The project “Support for the transfer of knowledge on constructed wetlants (CW) in Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Bogušići (Goražde) lasted from January 2017 to November 2019. The construction of the system was financed by the Czech Development Agency, and the company Dekonta co-financed part of theconstruction costs from its own funds. The City of Goražde is the owner of the system and has been managing it since the completion of the project.
The goal of the project was the construction of a plant-based wastewater treatment plant in the Bogušići municipality, as one of the Nature Based Solutions (NBS). The project included the preparation of a Feasibility Study, the preparation of the Concept and Main Project, the preparation of documentation for the necessary permits, and the construction of a treatment plant. After the completion of the project, the plant purifier was connected by the City to the newly constructed sewage system (which is not yet operational).
The implementation of this project achieved several goals:
1) Improvement of the current state of the environment in the municipality of Bogušići.
2) Raising awareness of environmental issues among the residents of Bogušić and Goražde.
3) Implementation of a new type of constructed wetland of the II generation, which was designed based on the innovations of DEKONTA. Among other things, with the construction of a constructed wetland treatment facility, the aim was to establish a pilot plant that will serve as a “demonstration location” for
multiple applications of such wetlands throughout the country.