Feasibility study of the potential of drying sludge from wastewater treatment for energy use in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The project was conducted from March to November 2020.

The goal of the project was to investigate the energy characteristics of treated sludge (from municipal wastewater treatment plants) to assess the potential of using sludge as an energy source. The project aimed to identify an efficient method for drying sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants. The bio-drying method, developed by DEKONTA, was applied to sludge samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Using this bio-drying method, DEKONTA confirmed its efficiency, and as a result of pilot testing, produced sludge with a low energy input and a maximum water content of 20 vol.% that can be used as an alternative fuel. For these activities, considering the different and high water content in the sludge produced from wastewater treatment plants, a significant amount of energy is required for drying. The project’s efforts were focused on establishing sustainable sludge management solutions, contributing to environmental protection and resource efficiency.